The University of New South Wales
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  School of Pathology


Genetic Diagnosis of Cancer

Miracles Home Assessment Timetable

Dr N. Hawkins (Molecular and Cellular Oncology Unit, Department of Pathology)

Ms Rachel Williams, Familial Cancer Clinic, St Vincent's Hospital

2.05 – 2.20 Genes and cancer

2.20 – 2.35 Bowel cancer as a model for familial cancer risk

2.35 – 2.45 Testing for cancer predisposition genes

2.45 – 2.55 The nature of risk

3.05 – 3.20 A short practicum – writing a genetic pedigree

3.20 – 4.20 Small group work: Gene testing for familial cancer - from the consumer's perspective

4.20 – 4.45 Plenary session

4.45 – 4.55 Outline of possible project work

Assignment Topics:

Essay topics

In essay form, discuss either one of the following statements:

Genetic testing for familial cancer is likely to be more useful to insurance companies than to the people with the disease.


Gene testing should be offered to anyone with a significant family history of cancer, and the government should pay for it.


Web site (or Poster)

The following could be undertaken as a poster, but perhaps would best be attempted in the hypertext environment of the Web:

Construct a pedigree of a virtual family with some form of hereditary cancer, and for each (or selected) family members highlight the issues that gene testing raises for them. Focus not only on the health issues involved, but on the personal, social, psychological, vocational and financial implications of testing.


Text based

Menko FH. The genetics of colorectal cancer for clinical practice.

Kulwer Academic, Dordecht, Netherlands 1993

Web based

General - There is an excellent self teaching exercise in cancer genetics at http://rex.nci.nih.gov/PATIENTS/INFO_TEACHER/Gene_testing/Title.html

Oncolink has an excellent resource centre for understanding genes and cancer http://oncolink.upenn.edu/causeprevent/genetics/

A simple guide to the issues involved in genetic diagnosis is found in the booklet, Your genes your choices, available online at http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis/publicat/genechoice/contents.html

The NSW Genetics Service has a variety of information online http://www.genetics.com.au , including how to draw a family health tree http://www.genetics.com.au/genetics/resource/fhtg.html

Breast cancer - The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia has established a National Breast Cancer Centre . Their web site contains information on familial aspects of breast cancer, at http://www.nbcc.org.au/pages/info/risk.htm


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Last modified: 10/07/2002